Founded in 1999, MSO Inc. provides meaningful advice and efficient management to the best in healthcare.
We are a full service MSO that provides comprehensive and personalized insights to improve our client’s operations and profitability. Therefore, advising companies about their options in the health care marketplace is a core MSO service. MSO is staffed with highly educated professionals experienced in delivering and implementing quality management decisions. These individuals have proven experience and demonstrated success in the marketplace with skills sharpened by consistent application. MSO personnel either assist client’s existing staff or often assume management responsibilities while working projects that require long-range goals and high levels of trust and cooperation. We manage 8 IPAs with a combined membership of 50,000 Medi-Cal and 10,000 Medicare lives compliant with State, Federal, and Health Plan requirements.
Current Clients:
Avanti Health Systems / Pipeline Health - [Managed by Vital Links]
California IPA (CALIPA)
Dallas Fort Worth Physicians IPA, PLLC (DFWIPA)
Freedom Physicians Corporation (FPC)
Houston Physicians IPA, PLLC (HPIPA)
Karing Physicians Medical Group (KPMG)
Pacific Crest IPA (PCIPA) - [Managed sevices by MMSE]
Phoenix Physicians IPA, PLLC (PHPIPA)
San Judas Medical Group IPA (SJMG)
Previous Clients:
Affiliated Physicians Medical Group (APMG)
Cal Care IPA (CCIPA)
Doctors Choice Medical Group (DCMG)
Van Lang IPA (VLIPA)
Phone: (626)-656-2370 Extension 101 | Email: Address: 2670 N. Main St., Ste 100, Santa Ana, CA 92705
MSO Inc. 20th Anniversary Letter
January 6, 2021
Happy 2021 again.
This week marks the 20th Anniversary of MSO, INC.!!! We founded the company in 2001.
I would like to express my gratefulness to all of you who have traveled this journey with us. You have kindly supported us and offered much appreciated resources and assistance.
In the last 20 years, the managed care landscape has changed drastically with positive evolutions in policies, procedures and processes to improve quality of care and quality of services and increase accountability. There are, however, increasingly challenging compliance demands and regulatory requirements. Throughout this journey the MSO, Inc. Team has done its best to stay compliant and perform optimally to serve our clients (health plans/payors, IPAS/Medical Groups, providers, vendors, and most importantly members/patients).
I wish you all well this 2021. The MSO INC. team commits to always deliver services in the spirit of collegiality and cooperation. We hope to work with you or serve you in the years to come. We appreciate any and all referrals for new clients from you.
Happy New Year. Please stay well, safe and joyful. Success will be certain if we stay focused on quality of care and services
Lan Phan
CEO, MSO, Inc. and VitalLinks